April 20, 2012

Golem with facial features of Down's syndrome

This came out quite disturbing in many ways. Sacky body, large head, no recognizeable anatomy, babyface with the word emet-Death written on forehead. Ugly but quite expressive and my aim with the sculpting, is to find a hard to like figure to be the hero of my game. This might just be it.

April 18, 2012

Golem with facial features of Down's syndrome


(1) Mental retardation is obvious as infants grow older.
(2) Marked hypotonia and floppiness.
(3) Joint hyperextension or hyperflexibility.
(4) Tendency to keep mouth open with his tongue protruding, high arched palate, and furrowed tongue.
(5) Eyes slant upwards and outward with internal epicanthal folds.
(6) Flattened nasal bridge and flat facial profile.
(7) Small ears, often incompletely developed, low set.
(8) Single transverse palmar crease-simian crease.

April 5, 2012


Catwalk animation based on a Muybridge plate with  a walking Lioness.

April 1, 2012

Eadweard Muybridge Entire collection

In between 1883 and 1886 Eadweard Muybridge photographed 781 plates in a collection called Animal Locomotion. He used a series of large cameras placed in a line and triggered by a clockwork to study the movement of people and animals. The pictures were copied on a disc and viewed in a machine called a Zoopraxiscope. I didn't know about him when I found a webpage with the entire collection as a resource for animators. I recognized some of the series though  from musicvideos and art, so I guess many have used them since then. Since I'm working on a 2d profile view in my game, these animations will be very helpful for me making my charachters and animals move. You can find all the series of men, women, abnormals and animals here.