April 19, 2013

New Golem Clay models

I wasn't pleased with the looks of my current Golem figure, it was far to good looking, almost athletic and too easy to like. I wan't it to be more monstreous and it really doesn't have to be so humanoid at all, so I started making new models in clay trying to forget about human anatomy and instead thinking purely functional, e.g. it needs two legs to walk with, but instead of muscles Golem is made of clay, so I make the legs according to the physical laws of clay, that is rolling two straight tubes and bending them at the bottom so it can stand.
Golem is made to be a helping hand for the maker, so it needs to have long arms and big hands. In my last two figures I made it with one large hand and one penguin like paw. I personally like the third version best, it is more of the clay creature I wan't it to be. If you don't agree and think one of the others are better as Golem, please let me know.

First version

Second version

Third version

April 5, 2013

Baba Yaga laid an egg

Baba Yaga, another creature from the eastern european mythology I might populize my game with, who was first known to me reading Dubravka Ugresic great novel 'Baba Yaga laid en egg'. A witch often described as living in the woods in a hut standing on Chicken legs. A lot of different versions of her seems to exit in Romania, Russia, Croatia, Poland etc.

Below on the left, is the heroine Vasilisa outside of the hut of Baba Yaga as depicted by Ivan Bilibin (1902). On the right, a Sami Storehouse on stilts, displayed at Skansen right here in Stockholm where I live.