July 12, 2012

The animator's survival kit

Richard Williams, animation director for Who framed Roger Rabbit, wrote and drew this book. A great resource for 2D animation of people and animals. A lot of walkcycles, jumpcycles and good descriptions of how old school drawing animation was made.

July 2, 2012

First playable test of Golem game

In the following link you can run a playable first testversion of the Golem Game. It's very rough with no backgrounds or sound and it's only the first room of long adventure. The task is to get the key from the cat, unlock the door and leave the room. I doesn't look like much but a lot of the essential features and object's are included, like the movement of Golem, attacking, an inventoryobject, a creatureobject (the cat), destroyable objects, climbing of ladders and more. These objects will be reused in the following programming. What is left to come of the main functions is a conversation system with people, saving game and Golem charachteristics depending on how the player chooses to play the game. Good or Evil? Even in this first test version there is a good way of solving the puzzle and an evil way. Catlovers be warned.

Use this link to try a webversion of the game.