February 21, 2013

The great mighty poo gonna throw %*&! at you

Hilarious and classic boss-fight from Conker's bad fur day, and what a great song. This is the original and uncensored version.

Mi Mi Mi Mi....

I'm flushing, I'm flushing!!!

February 14, 2013

Moonbot Studios making a Golem game

A small company from the states - Moonbot Studios - is making another GOLEM game. Here you can watch a small trailer and presentation with the purpose of raising funds for it. Seems like a nice company with nice people with a good approach for the game. I like the idea of the five guilds; metal-, wood-, clock-, clay- and glassworkers guild, building the Golem and the player as the Golem learning to walk and use its skills. A mechanical Golem, like the automaton in Hugo Cabret, with a protective shell of fired clay covering it.

My idea of the Golem is wet, raw unfired clay, almost impossible to kill with bullets or ordinary weapons. When an arm is cutoff  it can just grab some clay out of nature and make a new one. Maybe it even uses its clay to throw at enemies. The Golems only vulnerability is in fact heat/fire. It constantly needs water to keep the clay moist, because if it dries out it can no longer move, becomes fragile and breaks into pieces and if exposed to fire the Golem virtually vitrifies into a statue. Maybe even aware of it's situation but never more able to move. Maybe like the Moonbot Golem though, I think my Golem also will learn certain abilities  throughout the gameplay, like talking, feeling emotions etc., but the player will also by controlling the Golems actions choose direction and stance, whether he takes an evil or heroic stance.

I hope Moonbot will raise funds because it looks like they're gonna make beautiful game too.